Our Services


Get Best Quality Fishes from Greephy

We have our own firms to grow natural fishes. People love naturally grown fishes and we are exporting our products to different countries. We have served hundreds of clients our best products and they are satisfied when they reviewed us as their best experience. Since then they are continuously buying our products for their business.

Greephy has the most experienced fish expert who works hard to grow best quality crabs and shrimps in our firms. We maintain the quality that makes us and our clients confident for the quality of our fishes.

Black Tiger Shrimp

Black Tiger Shrimp is one of the most popular types of shrimp whose scientific name is Penaeus Monodon. It is also known as giant tiger prawn or Asian tiger prawn due to its color and other facts. It’s often caught from the sea and also grown on farms for food supply.
Black Tiger Shrimp females can reach up to 33 centimeters (13 Inches) long. However, usually, they are prepared to be sold when they are 10-12 Inches (25-30 centimeters) long when their weight becomes 200 to 250 grams. Now, on the other hand, tiger shrimp males are grown a bit smaller at 20 to 25 centimeters which means they become ready to be sold out when they are 8 or 10 inches long and 100 to 170 grams.
At Greephy, black tiger shrimp is one of the signature fish we grow reputedly. We have clients who send us their requirements, and sometimes we grow based on our requirements. We follow all the international guidelines, including safety and health, to produce the best quality black tiger shrimp. If you want to visit our farms or know more about our products, please feel free to contact us now.

Jumbo Shirmp

Freshwater Jumbo shrimp is another of the most popular fish we produce on our farms. Our farms are naturally prepared to grow jumbo fish with all the organic foods and other materials. We maintain all the necessary international regulations because our fishes are being exported to many countries.
The size of shrimps can vary depending on several factors. The open-water fishes are differently grown, and at Greephy, we made our farms large so that the growth doesn’t any obstacles. We provide the best quality foods to our fishes and nurture them expertly with all precautions. Typically, our jumbo shrimps grow from 1.5 inches to 3 inches max in length, the largest average size.
Greephy is one of the most reputed farm fishing companies with many fishing farms. Our product quality is checked multiple times during the post-production process. We export our products to different countries, and all those packages are managed professionally. Our expert checking process ensures that the product doesn’t compromise anywhere in the delivery process. You are most welcome if you want to get a quote or check out our farms. Just click the below button, and submit it. We will get back to you asap.

Golda Shirmp

Who doesn’t love Golda Shirmp ? At Greephy Fishing Farm, we make sure every single lobster exports from our farm is best quality and can beat any others. Our products are naturally grown that people love to test.
Golda Shrimp is a type of fish that must be grown maintaining all the guidelines because without proper nurture, freshwater lobsters cannot be grown properly. We make sure everything manually, and automatically both. We have many experienced fishing experts, who works tirelessly to keep everything perfect.
If you are looking for lobsters of the right size and weight, you can visit us. We offer our clients to visit our farms and check our production process to understand. It helps our clients to sell them after getting all the deliveries. We are confident, seeing that our clients are also confident. If you have any queries related to our products, contact us using the button below.

Dungeness Crab

Dungeness Crab is one of our signature fish at Greephy. We are reputed and authorized freshwater crab-producing fishing farms based in Bangladesh. We export our fish to Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, and China. We are also one of the most popular crab suppliers to other 5-star, 3-star hotels in Bangladesh.
As the popularity of Dungeness Crab is increasing rapidly, our production capacity is also growing with time. We only produce our crabs by feeding natural and organic foods. Most of our clients are from those countries, so we ensure the best quality products for our clients.
We have many returning clients, and they are confident about our products because their customers love the food from our clients. If you want to get more information about us and our products, please feel free to contact us. We even invite our clients to our farms to personally visit and experience the environment how our products are being prepared for them.

Blue Crab

The naturally grown blue crab has expanded its popularity since its production started commercially. We are one of the most reputed farms that produce blue crab commercially for organic food supply. Keeping the demand in mind, we now offer assured quality products for our clients.
Freshwater blue crab tastes good when it comes in the right size. The meat looks delicious, and people eat desperately. At Greephy, that’s our quality to make sure every crab comes in the right size and weight. We have the best fishing experts who are experienced in growing blue crab.
We are currently exporting blue crab to different countries. Not only that, but we also supply them to other big hotels and restaurants in Bangladesh. If you are interested in buying them from the farm or want to get detailed information, please use the below form to contact us.

Stone crab

Stone crab is another signature crab at Greephy. The scientific name of Stone crab is Menippe mercenaria. This crab meat is popular due to its taste and fast growth. It has increasing market demand, and people love this food for different recipes.
At Greephy, we have developed our farm with the latest cutting-edge technology that helps produce the best quality stone crabs and other fishes in freshwater. We only use organic foods and natural ingredients to grow our crabs. There is no touch of any chemical element in the process of our stone crab production.
We have already served our stone crab in several countries mentioned below. Hundreds of our clients are making profits selling our products. We receive positive reviews from our clients and even from some of their customers also. If you want to buy stone fish wholesale at an affordable price, contact us. You can visit our farms to check out the production system, just click the below contact us button. Send your queries, and we will get back to you asap.

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